Sunday, February 10, 2019

Oh look, an FFO! (yes, really!)

Thanks to Rachel at Ten Hour Stitcher, I’m hoping to Fully Finish several things I’ve had stitched for … a while.  So far, so good – today is the first link up/posting day and I have something to share – woohoo!

Though far from the oldest item in the unfinished ornament pile, I’ve wanted this little guy for my tree since 2003 when I stitched him up for an ornament exchange.  The chart was a freebie though I’m not sure if it can still be found – it has a 2001 copyright by K. Elaine Kramer Designs in case anyone is wants to go looking.  I finally got around to stitching one for myself in 2016, starting August 5 and finishing the 28th  (this was a “take a quick break from Jane Turner” piece). 

As with the “original,” this is stitched on 30 or 32 count blue something, one over one.  Both times I wanted to make his tail sparkly but couldn’t manage either time because not one fiber I tried matched the image in my head. 

Here’s my very own Peace Dove, who will grace my Christmas tree come December.

And if anyone’s curious as to how the first one looked, they were very similar – here’s the give away one.

Happy stitching AND finishing!



  1. Your Peace ornament is lovely, Deb! Good for you for finishing up things this year--I should be doing that myself :)

  2. Good for you..setting goals and sticking to it! The dove piece is lovely!

  3. I've seen this lovely freebie before and both of your doves turned out wonderfully! So many patterns I've stitched for gifts I've thought afterwards, "hey! I'd like one too" and never got around to it :)

  4. Stopping by from Rachel's link up. Beautiful finish. Congrats!

  5. Such a pretty stitch Deb. I love doves. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. Peace Dove is beautiful.
    Love the blue fabric.

  7. Thanks for joining in with the SAL. I'm glad it has inspired you to delve into your UFOs and start finishing some off.
    Peace Dove is beautiful and will be a lovely addition to your Christmas tree although, if I were you, I'd be tempted to keep it out all year round!
    As for the sparkly thread, have you tried the new DMC Mouline Etoile? They're lovely to stitch with (Thread Heaven recommended though) and have just enough sparkle to make a difference without being overpowering. :)

  8. Very beautiful stitching and finishing.

  9. What a lovely finish to adorn your tree next Christmas. such a pretty blue.

  10. So pretty and love it on the blue fabric!

  11. So very nice. The blue is perfect, whatever it is!

  12. They both look great, I can understand why you wanted to make one for yourself!

  13. They are both gorgeous. The blue really sets them both off.

  14. The look great. Started following your blog

  15. Hooray for another FFO piece! I love the blue fabric (no bias at all, nooo) and the swirly tail feathers.

  16. What a lovely design and beautifully finished too. This SAL is such an inspiration!
